By Haven Mitchell-Rose In honor of our very successful Fall Fundraising Event last weekend, this week's blog is dedicated to exploring natural world, just as "Under The Tree" main character, Pea, did in our VIP donor performance at The Old Stone House. The performance was proceeded by fall themed visual art activities and storytelling. A huge, huge thank you to everyone who came and donated! You are the reason we are able to do what we do. Leaf It To MeThere is no shortage of beautiful fall leaves this year, and now you and your little one can explore all the fun to be had with them! Materials Leaves Your thinking cap Light source (optional) Wall (optional) Step 1: Explore your yard, street, or a nearby park with your little one, and gather any leaves you see that strike your fancy Step 2: What ways can you use these leave to create a funny character? (ex: wear one as a hat or an eye patch) See what your child can come up with! Step 3: Shine a light behind a leaf and play with the size and shape of its shadow on a blank wall. You and your little one can also choose to break or cut leaves into other shapes to create a variety of shadow puppets Step 3.5: For infants, try playing peek-a-boo with a leaf, or let them hold it so they can experience its texture and accompanying sounds *Challenge: What other creative uses for leaves can you and your little one come up with? Be sure to post a comment telling us what you discover and/ or post pictures and videos to our Facebook Page "This is a Summer Bound, Seasonal Express Train!"Remember summer, when you could leave the house without wearing every single jacket you own? Now you and your little one can look forward to warmer weather with this creative play activity.
Materials Several chairs/ stools/ cushions (optional) An open space Your imagination Step 1: Designate an area that will be the train. You can use chairs/ stools/ cushions etc. arranged in a line to create it if you would like, if not simply sit in a line with your child on the ground Step 2: Explain to you child that this is a magic train, and that instead of stopping at locations, all the stops are seasons. Ask them which season they would like to visit first, and explain that when we arrive, we are in that season Step 3: The doors open, and you and your child arrive at your first season. Model for them the kinds of activities one can do during this season, and invite them to join in Step 4: Take a little piece of whatever season you are in - a flower from Spring or a hand full of warm sand from summer, put it in your pocket, and re-board the train. Next stop [insert season here]!
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Lauren Jost, Director Archives
December 2017
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